Beach Scene - Morning at Canoe Place Shinnecock Hills c.1896 Oil 24.77 x 35.56 cm

The Lone Fisherman c.1890 Oil

The Old Road to the Sea, Shinnecock Hills   c.1893 Oil 101.50 x 127.00 cm Cleveland Museum of Art

Shinnecock Landscape c.1895 Pastel 45.72 x 55 cm

Sunlight and Shadow, Shinnecock Hills c.1895 OIl 35 x 40 inches Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Shinnecock Hills Peconic Bay c.1902 Oil 60.96 x 89.54 cm

The Fairy Tale Shinnecock Hills c.1892 Oil 41.91 x 62.23cm

Girl at Shinnecock  Hills c.1897 Oil  24 x 18 in.

Summer at  Shinnecock  Hills c.1891 Oil 67.3 x 82.6 cm

Cincinnati Art Museum

An Afternoon Stroll Shinnecock Hills c.1895 Oil

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of Shinnecock Hills wm_land_and_sea.html
local history:
Shinnecock Canal Canoe Place
 40°53′15″N 72°30′5″Whome_index.html
local history:
Shinnecock Canal Canoe Place
 40°53′15″N 72°30′5″Whome_index.html

copyright2015 Hope Sandrow